Top 10 NYC Bites and Sips of 2022

Pluot Tart - Lysée

Lysée’s summer special pluot tart was an unexpected revelation for this chocolate lover. A layer of silky oolong tea cremeux was hidden beneath tangy plot compote and topped with juicy slices of crimson pluot. Eaten on a Union Square park bench with a plastic fork in the August heat, it was still remarkable.

If summer was a taste, this would be it.

Spicy Kimchi Tofu Stew - Cho Dang Gol

The kimchi stew at Cho Dang Gol has been key in helping me recover from the many flus and colds I got this year. The tofu, made in house, is silky and light, and the broth is beautifully flavored with a warming spice. The cod roe omelette with green tea mayo is also worth a try, but the Kimchi stew is a must.


Omakase - Shinn East

At ~$65, Shinn East is one of the most affordable omakase restaurants in NYC. Tucked inside the intimate, narrow sushi bar, we watched in awe as Chef Mike magically shaped each bite.

The best of the evening was a lightly seared fatty tuna nigiri topped with caviar and a fleck of gold leaf – it was so good that most people ordered a second round.


Butternut Squash Focaccia – Librae

Librae can be a hectic experience, with pastries flying off the shelves almost as fast as they’re replaced. If it’s available, however, the focaccia is incredible. Savory toppings change, and on this day, caramelized crescents of butternut squash hid beneath melting crumbles of feta cheese and roasted cloves of garlic.

It was so irresistible, we tore into the paper bag in the rain, finishing the hefty slab in minutes.

Fish and Chips – Dame

It’s rare that hyped-up meals meet expectations, but the fish and chips at Dame absolutely do. The fish is the star. The batter is unbelievably light and crisp, shattering to reveal a firm and juicy steak of cod.

This dish is an essential component to the Dame experience – once it arrives at the table with plain Heinz ketchup and table vinegar, all fine dining pretenses are shed. Cutlery is tossed aside, conversation stops, and you can’t help but dig in with your hands.

Gordon’s Breakfast – Attaboy

When asked what I wanted to drink on a recent date at Attaboy, I answered “a steak dinner but make it a cocktail” – and that’s what I got. The drink, called Gordon’s Breakfast, was simultaneously spicy, savory, smoky and salty and garnished with freshly cracked pepper. It was the most surprising, but best sip of the year.

Duck Fesenjan – Eyval

On a stifling summer day in Brooklyn, Eyval was a lively and casual respite from the heat. The interior was trendy – placemats covered in traditional Persian poems, Iranian movies projected in pink hues on the walls -  but it didn’t distract from the creative and complicated menu.

The wood-fired kebabs and Kashke Bademjan were phenomenal but the Duck Fesenjan was the star. Perfectly cooked duck sat in a pool of toasty, tangy pomegranate-walnut sauce. We wiped the plate clean with Komaj Bread and have been dreaming of the dish ever since.

Lemon Meringue Pie – The Little Pie Company

The lemon meringue pie from the Little Pie Company was a full Ratatouille moment, taking me back to the pies of my childhood. The lemon curd is tangy and not overly-sweet, covered in dramatic, billowy peaks of meringue.

When only a lemon meringue pie will do, this is the place to get it.

Pineapple Salted Egg Yolk Ice Cream – Morgenstern’s

After a one hour wait in line, my expectations for Morgenstern’s were high. The pineapple salted egg yolk, however, was well worth the wait. The scoop expertly balanced sweet and savory, with rich and buttery egg yolk meshing perfectly with a zingy pineapple custard. My only regret was not getting the pint.

Spicy Ginger Stamina Ramen – Karakatta

After wandering around Greenwich Village in the middle of a snowy February night, all I needed was a big bowl spicy soup to chase the cold away. I unknowingly stumbled into Karakatta, where I got exactly what I was looking for. The spicy ginger stamina, topped with a jammy egg and thick-cut pork belly, was flavorful and hearty, served in a large comforting ceramic bowl. I’ve been a few times since and have noted that quality and service vary, but this bowl on this day hit the spot.


Bar Review: Singlish


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